
Wednesday, 5 February 2014



1. Why is the rain divine?

Answer- -The rain is assumed to be the main moving force and as if incarnation of god to save the humanity and to send them a message that God is merciful. Fields are filled with its showers to remove its dryness and barrenness. It is as if the ‘prana’ which helps the flower to bloom and trust to rejuvenate. Pattering is the sound when it has the down pour and only the people of aesthetic civility can sense the song of the rain. In conclusion as it is the source of happiness of every kinds of living object, so the rain is divine.

2. In this universe, rain performs many functions. What are those?

Answer- -Constructive and positive outputs are the main functions of rain in this universe as heavenly decorators. It decorates natures, field and valleys and like pearls adorns the gardens. It is the source of laughter as it comes from the hills producing the invaluable life force. It makes everything elated along its flowers with its sprinkles. It acts like a communicator and messenger of mercy and thus quenches every objects thirst on the Earth. The delicate and sensitive person assumes it’s downpour to be the welcome song.

3. “When I cry. ….all things are elated.”
   -Explain cry, humble, bow indicate different intensity with which the rain falls .Explain then three in context.

Answer- -Multi – dimensional benefit heralds from the rain in the above quoted lines. We are acquainted with three dimensional functions of the noble rain-

ii) cry – The hills in the mood of rejoice creates a sound of laughter when the rain droplets comes down on the earth.

iii) Humble – The slow and soft falling of the rain droplets begets the cause of rejoice and blooming to the flowers.

Iv)  Bow – The soft drizzling droplets get sipped underneath the land surface providing required nourishment to the trees and all other living entities.

d)  How do you think the rain quenches the thirst of the field and cure cloud ailment?

Answer--This is an embodiment of prodigious imagery of the writer. A super thought in linkage with the element of the cloud and the field is depicted here. The evaporated air mixed with other necessary ingredients form a cloud. After bursting it pours down as rain. In this way it cures ailment of the cloud. Simultaneously when it comes down and quenches the thirst of the field, it really does the work of a thirst quencher by removing the dryness and barrenness of the field. It transmits them to be a colourful one.

e) Think about million little ways in which the rain embraces the trees .Mention a few of them.

Answer- The all pervasive effects of the rain droplets is presented here. The rain droplets being a symbol of impartiality embraces every subtle object of the earth. It embraces hills in million little ways; it embraces trees in million little ways. And it embraces every man made structure in million little ways.

f) “All can hear, but only
    The sensitive can understand “
   --What does the poet want to convey?

Answer- The innate super intellectuals with supra-normal ability are hinted in the above extract. A difference between extra – ordinary and ordinary is presented. The patterning sounds of the rain falling on window panes can be graced as beautiful rhythmic song only by the sensitive with distinctive qualities. In other word, the lyrical sound of the fall of the rain provides aesthetic pleasure to the sensitive souls.


 i) Notice the imagery built around “sigh of the sea”, “laughter of the field” and “tears of heaven”.
Explain the three expressions in context of rain.

Answer- Imagery with its lively delineation enables us to get in the nerve of the poem. The evaporation on the surface of the sea begetting the cause of rainfall is presented here as ‘sigh of the sea’.

            Inexplicable rejoicing state of the fields after receiving the rejuvenating rain droplets to quench the thirst is depicted here as ‘laughter of the field’.

Hyperbolic is the imagery of tears of heaven. Only over burdened clouds bursting or parting with the rain droplets release. As it is part the heavy downpour from the cloud meant here as “tears of heaven”.

ii) How would you express rain as-

 -an agent of floods

Answer- Answer- An automatic consequence of the downpour of the rain droplets is inundation. The heavy downpour enriches the rivers & other water bodies causing inundation in the adjacent areas.  

-a source of water for dams.

Answer- Another paradoxical output of inundation for positivity is the development of rainfall and inundation enables the damn with gallows of water for the various human necessities.

            Undoubtedly rainfall simultaneously does the work of preservation in the destruction.

h) “I am like earthly life”
 Why does the poet call rain as earthly life?

Answer- The metaphorical comparison in the above quoted line is really an exquisite one. The earthly cycle of the living entities begin with birth ends with death. Here according to the poet the rain has got also the earthly cycle of life. The child which is born will go through the successive stages and will end up leaving the world. Similarly the rain thus begetting at the feet of same elements i.e. clouds proclaims the birth & when the cloud starts parting as  the rain droplets it ends  in the death.

i) Explain the ending of the song.

Answer- At the conclusion of the poem, the poet recapitulates the very three main functions that rain performs. The sea is the begetter of vapour which turns into cloud. The word affection gives the sea the position of begetter or mother. The colorful field of spirit symbolically represents the mirth of the crops and plants which are nourished by rain. Tears from the endless heaven of memories suggest the rainfall that occurs from heaven that is symbolically meant as cloud.

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