
Friday, 1 November 2013


The Summary :
Rain is dotted silver threads dropped from heaven by Gods which Nature takes away to adorn her fields and valleys. the rain falls in a rapid succession one after the other and appears like dotted silver threads . 

She is beautiful pearls plucked by the Daughter of the Dawn from a Sovereign's crown to embellish her gardens. The rain is plucked from the crown of Ishtar . Ishtar is the goddess of fertility,love,sex and it is significant as rain enhances or adds to the fertility of nature . 

The clouds and fields are lovers and she is a messenger between them. By pouring out she cures the cloud, and by coming down she quenches the thirst of the field. Also the rain is a messenger of mercy rather than a messenger of love as rain is natures merciful blessing on earth . 

The voice of thunder declares her arrival and the rainbow her departure. When she cries coming down, the hills laugh and when she reaches down, the flowers rejoice; and when she has seeped down deep into the soil, all things are elated. 

She emerges from the heart of the Sea and soars with the Breeze. When she sees a field in need, she descends and downpours and embraces the flowers and trees in her own million little ways. This describes some parts of the water cycle. 

In human houses, she touches the windows with soft gentle fingers and all can hear her welcome song which only the sensitive can understand. She is born out of the heat in the air which in her turn she kills, exactly as a woman overcomes a man with the strength she takes from him. 

Rain is the sigh of the sea, the laughter of the field and the tears of the Heaven and Love. One will wonder how scientific Kahlil Gibran was. The sea heaves a sigh of sadness as a part of it is leaving from it. It heaves a sigh of relief as it will be coming back to it in the form of rain . It is the laughter of the field as the field is filled with joy when rain falls on its parched surface, thus replenishing it. The heavens shed tears as the rain, which has been a part of it for some time in the clouds, is leaving it. It is as if he has entered the very soul of the Rain to sing on her behalf. This song is only one of Gibran's hilarious and exquisite creations. 

Kahlil Gibran's song of the rain is a song sung by the rain which describes the joyful journey of rain.The life of rain is more like a life of a human being 

Class IX

Complete the unit LINKERS in the grammar book and bring on 6/11/13